
Postdocs Lunch Seminar

This is website of the UCSD postdocs' seminar. The main idea of the seminar is to help postdocs to know everyone's research topics. On every meeting someone gives an approachable talk into her/his research or a question he/she is currently thinking about. The seminar promotes a vibrant atmosphere in an informal setting.
Front propagation of reaction-diffusion equations
Paul Zhang

We study the reaction-diffusion equation $u_t=\Delta u + f(x, u)$ with $f(0, u) = f(1, u) = 0$. Then $u = 1$ and $u = 0$ are respectively stable and unstable equilibriums. The equation is frequently used in modeling invasions of one equilibrium state of a physical process by another. For instance, forest fires spreading.

I am going to focus on ignition reactions. I will discuss the previous results including the existence of fronts, bounded transition zone and homogenization. I will introduce the ongoing work (with my mentor Andrej Zlatos) on stochastic homogenization and several open questions along the way.

Past events